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Estimation of Vibration Limit Cycles from Wheel/Rail Mobilities for the Prediction of Curve Squeal Noise


文集名:Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems - Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Railway Noise
作者:Olivier Chiello(Univ Gustave Eiffel, CEREMA, Univ Lyon, UMRAE)
Rita Tufano(Vibratec, Railway Business Unit)
Martin Rissmann(Vibratec, Railway Business Unit)
会议名:14th International Workshop on Railway Noise (IWRN14)
会议日期:7-9 December 2022
会议地点:Shanghai, China
关键词:Curve squealInstabilitySelf-sustained vibrationsPower balance
文摘:A novel method for the approximate estimation of curve squeal sound levels is proposed. The method directly targets the stationary regime by using wheel/rail mobilities at contact instead of modal characteristics of the structures. The condensation allows a more general description of the dynamics of the structures, in particular the behavior of the rail for which a modal representation is not very suitable. The method is first validated in the case of a reduced modal description of the system by comparing results to a reference cycle obtained by numerical integration in the time domain. It is then applied to realistic cases for which the wheel/rail mobilities are obtained from more elaborated models. The model can be used to carry out parametric studies allowing to design squeal noise mitigation solutions.